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Workplace Strategies To Boost Your Bottom Line Without Firing Anyone!

Even though we are all familiar with the economic uncertainties that time has brought, particularly in the face of downsizing and restructuring the gravitational pull is now towards the optimisation of workspace and human capital.

In this edition of series of guides we present 23 workplace strategies to boost your bottom line without firing anyone.

1 - Let offsite storage companies free up expensive desk, floor and office space

If you are like most organisations you and your staff will have perfected the art of negotiating a route around the bundles and boxes of documents and files that have become an accepted part of everyday life at work.

You probably realise that most of the information is hardly ever needed, know it should not be clogging up corners, cupboards and corridors; accept that it is a health and safety hazard and would wager that no-one could lay their hands on information quickly even if they needed to do so.

So why not free up expensive desk, floor and office space by calling in a team of document management and storage experts.

Storage enables those records that are no longer current, but which cannot be destroyed for reasons of infrequent administrative use or legal imperative, to be stored in a secure, monitored environment at a rate much cheaper than office rent.

All good offsite storage companies understand that the control of your files is as much a part of the management function as control of any other vital asset. They treat records as a significant corporate resource, and have developed solutions that will boost your efficiency levels and reduce occupancy costs.

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