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Towards The Future of Smart Buildings and How LoRa Creates It

Nowadays, an average urban human spends nearly 90% of the time in a building - be it a workplace, school, hospital or home. Conditions in buildings even those outside must be well-kept to achieve a conducive lifestyle for everyone. Whether the room is well lit, the temperature comfortable, or the air too humid or dry, are all factors that may disrupt your living and productivity if left unmaintained. Companies and community organizations have realized this challenge and begun the hunt for solutions through the idea of smart buildingsResearchers have long projected the future of revolutionizing traditional building automation and management systems with the continuous development of IoT. Even today, thanks to this evolution, people enjoy automated comfort from a smart building's system while administrators enjoy heightened efficiency, less work, and minimized costs.

However, not every building has upgraded to such advanced operations. The vision for a building ideally begins even before its construction so, modern architects and engineers must be aware of the increasing possibilities of automation and take them into account at the design stage. It is much easier to implement a smart system if you have already laid the foundations for it. Expanding this system would also be much easier and aesthetically pleasing if it were to be anticipated during construction.

Since this is not the case for every old building in cities, IoT can still be of help as the flexibility offered by wireless devices now allows placement anywhere in a building without pre-planning sensor locations or even seeking permission from the building owner in some cases. And among the technologies in IoT, LoRaWAN is an ideal one. If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: Smart Metering Companies 

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