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Spiritual Awakening and the UFO Phenomenon

Current Theories on UFOs

The predominant view of events surrounding UFOs has been called the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, which presumes that creatures from outer space are using advanced craft to visit our planet and interact with humans. Supporters of this theory cite the appearance of craft that seem to outmaneuver our most advanced aircraft, as well as reports of alien creatures who are able to control and manipulate humans at will.

Many researchers who have studied the phenomenon are now leaning towards an Inter-dimensional Hypothesis, noting that the craft and their occupants have the ability to appear out of nowhere, to fade in and out of visibility, and to pass through solid objects, such as through windows and walls.

It has been suggested by some of the most knowledgeable observers that the apparent ability of the UFOs to materialize and dematerialize seems to suggest they are "hyperdimensional" or from some other domain, able to enter and leave our space-time at will.

- Alien Encounters, Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman

A variation on the Inter-dimensional Hypothesis is the Spiritual Awakening Hypothesis, which postulates that a vast array of God-created sentient beings populate the galaxies of our universe as well as an untold number of parallel dimensions. These may spill over or intersect with our own world.

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