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Safety Training in The Oil and Gas Industry

The role of safety raining is becoming increasingly important these days.The target is to train all the workforce of the offshore in UK by the MIST program by the end of 2010.

The MIST program features nine important safety features:

1. Introducing to hazardous offshore environment 2. To work safely following safety regulatory measures 3. Assessing the risks involved 4. Availing the permit to work 5. Platform Integrity 6. Manual handling 7. Control of Substances hazardous to health (COSHH) 8. Working at height 9. Mechanical lifting

The employers in due consultation with the duty holders for a particular installation must determine the different programs suitable to their employees maintaining the relevance of their jobs. Every person in the workforce in Oil and Gas sector has to undergo this MIST training program.

For workers who are new to this industry, a 2 day safety training program approved by OPTIO (Oil and gas Academy) is provided throughout the UK, covering all the basic nine elements of MIST.

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: PPE

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