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Religions and Their Values

Religion is a system which connects a human being with the Creator to make sense of his existence. There are different types of religions practiced by the people throughout the world. God is explained in different ways by different religions but the motive of all religions is same-connecting with the Creator. By all means, religion is a path to reach near the God. There are many paths of religion. A religion is much more than deity worshipping. There are a lot of religions in the world, though people know only a handful of religions.

Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Jainism are some of the popular religions in the world. There are also Zoroastrianism, Santeria, Bahai and so on. A religion implants hope, faith and trust in an individual.

Types of Religions


Christianity is one of the oldest and largest religions in the world. It has over two billion followers in the world. It believes in the notion of one God. It is centered on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Christianity was primarily a part of Judaism but it became separated because of some reasons. Christians worshiped Jesus Christ as a God in human form but Jews did not accept this.

Jews pursued a covenant which encloses a set of religious laws and traditions that need to be practiced. Christians refused to follow this covenant and formed a new religion that included Jesus Christ's teachings.

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