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Religion and Wellbeing


This essay is about religion, specifically personal reflections about apparent connections between religion and wellbeing.

Many people are uncomfortable discussing religion, as well as politics and sex. Personally, I find all three of interest and too important to ignore. In a free society, respectful conversation about all topics seems appropriate, including religion, politics and sex. Such openness contributes to a better understanding and appreciation of differences and similarities, and complements our quests for truths, as best we can approach such. In this, I'm in good company. The saintly and lovable Mr. (Fred) Rogers: Anything that's human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.

Religion, basically, is a key factor affecting how many people conduct themselves. Whether in throes to a religion or skeptical of all of them, we have good reasons to be aware of and responsive to public policies and other developments related to religion.

Inasmuch as the AWR exists to promote wellbeing by encouraging individual creativity in reframing old problems, spurring reflection, creating new knowledge and seeking to better the world for everyone, this is a topic that must not be avoided.

It seems a prefatory overview of my own experience with religion seems in order.

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