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Leave the Weed

Right... at first glance you may quickly think I am going to try convincing you how wrong it is to smoke marijuana... or to do drugs of any kind. No... this is not that kind of 'weed removal' encouragement... although... wait...

OK... I'll refrain!

Rather, this is an admonition to be careful about being SO quick and sometimes rather ruthless with tearing out the 'weeds' of your life... the ugly and unwelcome growth that seems to almost be taking over your 'garden' of hope... cluttering the persona you are hoping to present. I mean... the Bible does encourage us to sanctify ourselves... to depart from evil... to purify our hearts and minds... and 'be holy'.

One of the tendencies for sanctifying yourself, or becoming holier... even working to purify your life is to remove the ugliness from your life... the unwanted growth... the things that are distracting you and others from the 'garden' of your life... from the 'orchard' of your life... from the very beauty that is beginning to grow in you.

Leave it!

Jesus himself told us a story about NOT tearing out the weeds in a field for fear of disrupting/destroying new and tender roots of the good crops all around it. Sure, this parable was mainly intended as a 'world view' concept (don't get too carried away with purifying society), but it can directly apply to our spiritual lives, too. See... it is important to fertilize, not weed-kill! Matthew 13:24-30

That entire passage is much too large to include here (please click-n-read it), but the last two verses make the point;

Don't be so quick to remove unwanted or unwelcome growth in your life. As that passage reads, these 'weeds' are not necessarily your fault... they have been planted there by your enemy! Their main intent is to discourage you... to distract you... even to cause you to 'weed the garden', as it were!

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: can you buy weed in antalya

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