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How Stress Robs You of Your Health and Depletes Your Well Being

Sleep deprivation has become an epidemic in the US. No wonder people get so sick in such huge numbers!

How does the brain cope with less energy during the day? Well, it can't. So it takes what it needs from other organs leaving them deprived. Without the energy those organs need to work as Nature intended they slowly, without you even noticing, shut down.

You find yourself feeling more and more tired, more and more unhappy. Situations that you used to handle now loom so large in your life your stress level continues to rise causing even more health issues.

Stress triggers a hormone release that causes you to make fat. As you make more fat (from rising stress levels) you become vulnerable to high blood pressure which in turn may lead to stroke or heart issues.

That same fat contributes to the over weight condition of diabetes. Of course that condition can produce all kinds of painful health issues, especially with eyesight and leg wounds that fail to heal.

What can you do to take care of yourself and counter the devastating effects of stress? See an energy worker who can remove the blocks on your meridians, chakras and in your energy bodies freeing up all that space and energy for you to use at night and during the day.

Discover how to accomplish that yourself by inducing your own pineal gland to produce more DMT. DMT lets you dream such vivid dreams that you can clear the blocks by working out the issues revealed in your dreams.

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