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Dealing With The Building Inspector

Owner-builders typically get nervous when the building inspector shows up on their project. I think they imagine trouble (he's there to find fault, he'll kill the momentum of work in progress, this is going to cost me more money). These fears are nonsense if you have developed a relationship with your inspector and made him or her part of your building team.

Most inspectors are competent, professional and have spent some years in the building business themselves. They are there to make sure the building adheres to building codes and local rules and ordinances. The structure needs to be constructed properly for the safety of the inhabitants, both present and future. If you are building in earthquake zones, you will have many more seismic devices and precautions than someone doing a project in stable sandy soil.

Foundations for a structure built on the beach will be considerably different than one built on a rocky slope in the mountains. Local building inspectors are aware of the special conditions in their areas and how to best deal with them. If you will look at their services in a positive sense, and even ask their advice or opinion once in awhile, you will find they can be a valuable asset in completing your project.

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: pest and building inspection

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