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Cocaine Addiction and Withdrawal

If you are suffering from cocaine addiction, you are not alone and it is never too late to get help. Millions of people of have abused cocaine over the years. An estimated 5.7 million people abused cocaine in the 1980s in the height of an epidemic. If you are abusing cocaine, it is time to seek help and quit damaging your health and your relationships.

Advanced cocaine addiction treatment centers are available to help you through your withdrawal and recovery. New state of the art technology can address cocaine addiction and its effects on your body as a whole including the physical, emotional, psychological, and neurological factors of cocaine addiction.

Long term or heavy cocaine users often experience acute withdrawal symptoms that may last for weeks or months. One of the most difficult symptoms to overcome is the craving to use cocaine again to counter-effect the negative feelings associated with "coming down" or "crashing." Intense mood changes including depression, irritability, anxiety, and general dysphoria are also usually experienced during withdrawal from cocaine use. The most common factors of cocaine withdrawal are fatigue, lack of energy, increased eating, insomnia and other sleep disorders.

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