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Cocaine Abuse and Addiction, A Blot on Mankind

Cocaine is a stimulant of the central nervous system and an appetite suppressant, which is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine readily passes into the brain when ingested into the body. In the brain, causing a buildup of dopamine, which high levels in continuously stimulates nerve cells, causing the euphoria, or the 'high' we hear about.

Even though it is considered illegal by possession, cultivation, and distribution of cocaine for non-medicinal and non-government sanctioned purposes in virtually all parts of the world, it is one of the most freely commercialized products in the world. Ever since its discovery, it has destroyed many lives all through history due to its addictive properties.

The use of Cocaine is a cancer that is prevalent across all socioeconomic strata and is no respecter of age, demographics, economic, social, political, religious, and livelihood.

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is the world's most powerful stimulant of natural origin known to man. In the form of fine white powder, it sold on the streets. Cocaine can be absorbed, inhaled, injected, sniffed or taken orally.

The powdery type being one of the two primary forms of cocaine, is used for snorting up the nose. The second is freebase, better known as crack cocaine, used for smoking.

No matter the form or type of cocaine you take, addiction is swift to follow and dependency evolves in less than 2 weeks. Did you ever imagine that a habit you started casually, maybe to fit in with your peers or maybe due to stress would make end by you being so totally addicted and in danger of losing your life? No mercy is shown by this addiction and is swift to act.

As it lacks the physical withdrawal symptoms seen in alcohol or heroin addiction, addicts like to believe that cocaine is not addictive. Cocaine has powerful psychological addictive properties. Cocaine is addictive, no matter which ever way you put it, "If it is not addictive, then why can't the user stop using?"

Methods of Cocaine Abuse People should be aware that Cocaine is

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: best cocaine guide

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